Straightforward and efficient production process

The process of recording a VIPER® clip and requesting a parade has been designed to allow the police to maximize their time. By reducing the need for extensive training courses VIPER® procedures can be taught to a new user in a matter of hours.

To start the process a VIPER® user at a site records a short video clip of the suspect (or accused) person. This is quality controlled by VIPER® staff at their HQ. Later the police, often in conjunction with the suspect, choose a number of volunteers from the VIPER® database to appear alongside the suspect on the VIPER® ID parade. Each clip will routinely be filmed against a neutral grey background. During the clip the person is asked to move their head from left to right. Usually 8 volunteers would appear alongside the suspect (a minimum of 5 in Scotland) each appearing on screen for 15 seconds one after another. The final compilation of clips is delivered back to the police electronically and burned to a DVD. The DVD is then shown to a witness in a manner which allows them to view the ID parade wherever practical. This can be done away from a police station, or even in a person’s home.

The whole ID process can be concluded from start to finish in less than 2 hours. The VIPER®element of this process can be as little as 30 minutes which demonstrates the effectiveness of the service.